Pakistan Top Stories set stories free with the goal of creating a safe and comfortable space for everyone to discover and create.

In order to create an inclusive and respectful space, we want to ensure our Pakistan Top Stories know what type of content they will discover as well as content they can or cannot post!

Before you take off on your writing journey, please take a look at the following Guidelines:

It’s important to respect and protect fellow Pakistan Top Stories feelings, property, and personal information.

Do Not post anything you might regret in the future or that your peers, family, or teachers might not want to see online.

You should read our Site rules, Content Guidelines, Code of Conduct, Terms of Service and our Privacy Policy so you have all the information you need to enjoy Pakistan Top Stories and help others enjoy it too!

If you see any content that violates our guidelines and Site Rules, let us know by reporting it. See here for how to do that.


Colorful language and symbolism are fine, yet there’s no requirement for dangers, badgering, lustfulness, loathe discourse, and different presentations of dogmatism.


Your commitments ought to be impartial and objective. For instance, you shouldn’t compose surveys of your own business or boss, your companions’ or relatives’ matter of fact, your friends or rivals in your industry, or organizations in your systems administration gathering. Entrepreneurs ought not to request that clients compose surveys.


Unless you’re utilizing your Business Owners Account to add substance to your business’ profile page, we, for the most part, disapprove of a special substance. How about we keep the site helpful for viewers and not invade with business commotion from each client.


Please ensure your commitments are applicable and suitable for the discussion. For instance, surveys aren’t the spot for rages about a business’ work rehearses, political belief systems, phenomenal conditions, or different issues that don’t address the center of the viewers experience.


Don’t plug other individuals’ private data. Kindly don’t post close-up photographs or recordings of different benefactors without their authorization, and kindly don’t post other individuals’ full names except if you’re alluding to specialist organizations who are ordinarily distinguished by or generally share their own full names.


Don’t swipe content from different locales or clients. You’re a keen treat, so compose your own content and take your very own photographs and recordings, if it’s not too much trouble


Beyond essentially requesting a discount to cure an awful ordeal, you ought not to utilize evacuating or posting your audit as an approach to remove installment from a business, paying little mind to whether you’ve been a client.